Do More, Spend Less: Home Improvement Tips


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Building and Home Maintenance Is an Important Part of Maintaining the Value of a Property

The trip to Duluth was colder than you expected, but you were fortunate that you were able to find a place that was both cozy…


Four Reasons to Hire Professionals to Do Plumbing Installation

If you need any kind of plumbing installations done, it’s a good idea to get the experts in to make sure it’s done right. All…


LED Flood Lights for Better Illumination and Better Energy Usage

For a good portion of the existence of humanity, people worked, played, read, created, and generally lived by the light of the sun or by…


Homeowner’s Guide To Solving Common Toilet Problems (Part 1)

Indoor plumbing dates back to at least 2500 B.C. It’s clearly evolved significantly since its initial development, but indoor plumbing continues to be a necessity.…


What’s The Biggest Drain On A Home Energy Bill? Single-Paned Windows Are Often The Culprit

It’s time for that new installation you’ve been putting off. You’re not chomping at the bit to spend more of your hard-earned money, but duty…


Patios, Gardens And Fireplaces How To Go About Choosing Your Next Great Backyard Renovation

Living with the same old, same old is out. Renovating your home and getting the most out of a new exterior design project or minor…

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