It’s time for that new installation you’ve been putting off. You’re not chomping at the bit to spend more of your hard-earned money, but duty calls.
…how about a new installation that can save you money down the road? The only thing better than saving money once is saving money multiple times, something made all the easier when you invest in a residential window installation for your next home improvement project. The best windows aren’t just pretty to look at (though that can certainly factor into your decision), but can also save you money on your energy bills and improve your ROI. Sound too good to be true? Learn more about Energy Star tax credits and what the bets commercial windows can do to spruce up your home.
Who says a new installation has to be dreadful?
First off…how are American homeowners doing as of late? According to a few recent studies they’re hungrier than ever for energy conservation measures. Today half of the Americans who rely on natural gas for heating their home see an average bill of $650. That’s before we even get into cooling measures and the occasional spike in energy usage during extreme months! The U.S. Department Of Energy recently concluded 45% of the average energy bill goes to heating alone. When you’re tired of spending, commercial windows are there to help.
Many homes today are struggling with single-paned windows. You can tell if you’re one of them just by looking at your energy bill. Windows that are overly drafty can increase your energy bill by 10% to even 25% by constantly letting out your boiler and furnace’s hard work. Dual-paned windows, on the other hand, are much better at retaining temperature. Studies have shown they’re two times more effective than their single-paned counterparts, also doing the work of improving your home’s ROI. Speaking of which…
For those that want to sell in the future? Residential window installation is a smart way to beef up your ROI while still reaping the benefits yourself. A recent survey found nearly two-thirds of American homeowners planning on renovating, with residential window installation high on the list. When it comes to your energy bill and monthly savings? According to data provided by the National Association Of Realtors homeowners who replace their windows can get back 80% of their investment.
Replacing a window pays for itself in no time. On average replacing a window will cost anywhere from $300 to $700 each. The cost depends on the type of window you buy, the style, whether or not it’s Energy Star certified and, of course, how many. According to a study provided by the National Association Of Home Builders back in 2012 nearly 45% of renovation jobs were for either window replacement or doors. For those that have been struggling with committing to a renovation, installing windows can save you a lot of frustration and money.
Commercial window installers work around the clock to provide homeowners with beneficial residential window installation, consultation and more. The best way to know whether or not you could benefit from replacement windows is by checking out your energy bills and looking up the age of your house. Single-paned windows are some of the biggest drains on homeowner finances out there, particularly for those that are trying to save up for a major move. Got some free time on your hands this summer?
Reach out to local residential window installation services and take one thing off your mind.