What You Should Know About New Home Builder Contracts

Before you sign your new home builder contracts, Joe has some great things that you should know before going right to signing it. If you want to see the full detailed explanations of all of these things, watch the video and hear his expertise.

Firstly, he wants you to know that new home builder contracts are written by attorneys that work for the builder. This means that the information that is written is more in their favor because it is from them.

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You should make sure you fully understand what is written in the contract because there isn’t much flexibility when it comes to the plans for building your new home. There isn’t going to be much to negotiate within the contract because it is almost the same contract that they give every other client.

There are many differences between new home builds and resale homes. These differences are important to be knowledgeable of because you may not know the differences that can make or break your decision to choose a new build. These differences can include the loan out as well as the appraisal.

There are many other tips that Joe gives us in this video, so watch the video fully and see how you can prepare to get your new home builder contract.


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