Refrigerators, Ovens And Washing Machines, Oh My! The Telltale Signs You Need To Replace Your Appliances

Washing machine repairs

You’re making a delicious dinner tonight. You just got off work, the weekend is just around the corner and you’re more than ready to kick up your feet with a nice plate of…

…whoops! Something’s broken down and you have no idea where it’s coming from. Your kitchen is practically a second home, where you go to cook, clean and relax the day away. It’s more than a little startling when your refrigerator breaks down, putting all your food at risk, or your oven refuses to turn on. Thankfully, oven repairs and refrigerator repairs are as easy as a quick phone call. Instead of kicking your appliances and wheedling them into compliance, look at the list below and get a basic overview on what you should do when your easy, breezy night just isn’t going as planned.

Did You Know?

Let’s take a look at some statistics to give you a better idea as to what you’re up against. Back in 2014 the average cost to repair an appliance was anywhere from $250 to $275. Depending on your budget that can be music to your ears or yet another thing to stress out about! The thing about oven repairs and broken dishwashers, though, is you’ll be feeling their loss pretty early on. Let’s keep looking what contributes to a faulty washing machine and what you can do to either avoid it or fix it.


Sometimes you just don’t have the energy to scrub and rinse all your dishes by hand. Thank goodness for technology! When that technology fails, though, you’re left with a pretty sorry situation on your hands. The average dishwasher should last at least nine years before starting to show its age, though statistics have shown 20% of dishwashers in American households break within three to four years on average. Another 25% of front-loading washing machines will break within three to four years, too.


What about oven repairs, you may ask? This is a question you’ll have to keep close at hand when you have a big dinner to prepare and only so much time to do it. Your gas range oven should last a solid 15 years before you replace it, though that doesn’t seem like much condolence when it’s already failing to turn on or provide the heat you need. Oven repairs can be as simple as a consultation and as elaborate as a brand new installation, so be sure to ask this early on! But what about your refrigerators and freezers?


Last, but not least, we have the refrigerator to contend with. Your refrigerator is not unlike your oven in that it has a pretty solid lifespan, with at least a decade to go before it’ll need a replacement or seriously devoted repair job. An estimated 35% of side-by-side refrigerators and freezers with icemakers will break within three to four years, so make sure you don’t neglect the warning signs. If your temperature doesn’t remain consistent or the power keeps going out, it’s imperative you call a professional so you don’t lose hundreds of dollars worth of food!

When To Call A Professional

When oven repairs and washing machine repairs start knocking on your door, it’s time to answer. Let’s take a quick overview to make sure you’re good to go when it comes to the telltale signs. A refrigerator can last up to 10, even 15, years before breaking down. An oven is very similar. Washing machines, on the other hand, tend to break down within a few years and are a little more finicky when it comes to staying strong throughout the week. A professional can take a look at your kitchen appliances and get you back on track in no time at all.

Your evening doesn’t have to be ruined! Let a professional knock out those oven repairs so you can get back to shrugging the weight of the world off your shoulders.

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