How To Plan a Kitchen Remodel

Remodeling a kitchen can be a dream come true, or it can be a total nightmare. Planning right helps keep your kitchen remodeling dreams within budget. Here are some tips on planning from The Home Depot.

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First off, realize that it can take weeks or even months to renovate a kitchen. How long can you live without a kitchen? If it’s not for long, then consider just getting new appliances or wallpaper rather than redoing the entire kitchen.

Secondly, look hard at what you already have and where you place items. Can you save space by moving the toaster over to the other counter? Do you really need all of those food storage jars? Get rid of anything you do not need. This will open up more space in your kitchen.

Choose a general contractor very carefully. Of course, The Home Depot would like you to consider theirs. However, should you choose to go elsewhere, make sure you only put down 30 percent of the job’s payment up-front. Contractors have been known to disappear when they get a full payment before work is done. Always get references and see how their last job went.

Take your time when planning, since you will not have the money or time to change your mind. Consider hiring an interior designer to help you find the most economical way to get the kitchen of your dreams.

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