You hoped that you would not have to deal with a heating company at this point of the year. Just a couple of weeks before spring, however, the weather forecast indicates that another of weeks of cold temperature, and maybe even snow, are coming. And while this is the time of the year when you can typically get by with very little heat, the furnace does not seem to be working at all. Fearing that the pipes might freeze if the temperatures drop as low as the predictions, you have decided that it is in your best interest to make sure that you get a heating company appointment as soon as possible.
The way the weather patterns have been lately, cold weather is never really that far away. In fact, there are often several times during the year when home and business owners may need to use both the furnace and the air conditioner in the same week. Heating and cooling companies find themselves busy and needed many times during the year. And while normal service calls can help you keep HVAC equipment running as efficiently as possible, unexpected problems do occur. Finding a reliable heating and cooling technician, however, can help you deal with any problem, preferably sooner rather than later.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the heating and cooling industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that adequately maintained furnaces can save home owner’s a little more than $30 a month versus their neglected counterparts.
- Most HVAC filters need to be changed every one to three months, according to reports from the site Energystar.gov.
- As many as 75% of no-heat calls in the winter are related to a lack of maintenance, according to some HVAC experts.
- 66% of all U.S. homes have air conditioners.
- Without a well-insulated home and a proper HVAC system working in tandem, energy efficiency can plummet by as much as 30%.
Even though it may seem that spring is just around the corner, many parts of the country are still facing more weeks of cold weather. Cold weather which requires the use of an efficiently functioning heating and cooling system.