Have You Done Everything You Can to Make Sure That the Air in Your Home is Clean?

Air conditioner repair

By the time you realized that you were having an asthma attack, you decided that you should get to the hospital. The doctors gave you a shot of steroids and you were finally able to catch your breath again. When you returned home, however, you could feel the asthma symptoms starting again. You were so exhausted that you were able to get through the night, but when you woke in the morning you were wheezing again.
After a long day away from your house, you really felt like you were breathing better. Once you returned home, however, you began to feel as if you were fighting to catch your breath again.

The cycle continued for a few days and you realized that you had to do some investigating. After a call to an air duct cleaning service, you decided that the cleaning service that they offered was worth the cost. Fortunately, the air duct cleaning service appointment made a big difference. After the air ducts were clean you no longer experienced the wheezing during the night, you were able to cut down on the use of your emergency inhaler, and you were no longer sitting up in the middle of the night wondering if your breathing was bad enough that you needed to go to the hospital.
When Was the Last Time That You Had the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned?
The health of people who live in homes with air ducts can be a concern. If you do not take the time and spend the resources to make sure that the air ducts in your home are clean, you may be exposing your family to air that is unhealthy and full of allergens. By hiring a air duct cleaning service, however, you can have a major impact on the health of your family members.
Although many home owners are diligent about scheduling service appointments for their heating and cooling systems, some of these very same home owners do not take the time to make sure that their air ducts are cleaned. And while a HVAC home analysis may help point out the heating and cooling problems that you may have, these services will not make sure that the duct work in your home is as clean and safe as it should be.
Consider some of these services that heating and cooling companies can provide to customers and the decisions that consumers can make to ensure greater HVAC efficiency and provide cleaner air to breathe:

  • 88% of new single-family homes constructed in America in the year 2011 included air conditioning.
  • At an annual cost of more than $11 billion to home owners, air conditioners use about 5% of all the electricity produced in America.
  • 48% of the energy use in a typical U.S. home goes toward heating and cooling, making furnace and air conditioning the largest energy expense for most homes.
  • Without adequate attic insulation, as much as 20% of every dollar spent on home heating escapes through the roof. Installing insulation, however, is generally the best single step to take to this expensive energy waste.
  • If a heating system is more than 12 to 15 years old, if it requires frequent repairs, if it fails to supply sufficient warmth, it if cycles on and off irregularly, if it consumes increasing amounts of energy, and if it emits unusual noises, you may need to replace it.

New HVAC system installations can help home owners make sure that they are getting the most efficient heating and cooling that is available. With the addition of air quality testing, you can also make sure that your home is safe for your family as well.
If you have never taken the time or made the investment to have your duct system checked and cleaned, now might be the time to contact air duct cleaning service professionals and make an appointment.

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