Over the past ten years, the lawn care service industry has absolutely exploded in the United States. While it may not be at its peak of economic gain, there is no question that the lawn maintenance is strong in the United States as many people hire lawn services to take care of their lawns at home. On top of this, most businesses and rental residential areas will hire a large scale lawn service to come and take care of their lawns and trimming weeds.
The National Association of Landscape Professionals conducted a Harris Poll survey. The survey involved interviewing 2,034 United States adults over the age of 18. The results from this survey revealed that 75% of those surveyed believed that it is important to spend time outside in their yards. This highlights how much people seem to value the lawns at their house. With this in mind, I will lay out some facts for you in regards to keeping lawns looking great.
83$ of all Americans think having a yard is important, and 90% of all people with a yard want to make sure they keep their lawn well-maintained because that is important to them. 34% of all people are willing to pay to live in an area with good shopping and 33% would do the same for an area with good cultural venues. However, just about 63% of all people said that they are very much so willing to pay more money to live in an area with great green spaces.
Real estate agents believe that landscaping can help decrease the amount of time that your home is on the market. 97% of all real estate agents believe that landscaping is considered a top five home improvement recommendation responding that a homeowner can expect a 215% return on whatever money is spent to improve their lawn. Nearly 50% of all homeowners that plan to upgrade their lawn want to use it for more than six hours each week. They plan to relax, garden, and be entertained out in their lawn.
50% of all homeowners plan to budget $10,000 or more on a current or future outdoor project where they will not involve professionals. However, 65% of all homeowners will actually ever spend that much money on the project. Out of all homeowners that want to add plants to their yard and lawns, about 92% of these homeowners are going to plan the plants that are native to the local area that they live in.
Landscaping can help raise the property of your value by up to 12% once you finish and put the house on the market. It can also help increase the home resale value by up to 14% on the market as well. If you spend as little as 5% of your home’s value on landscaping you can end up getting a return on your investment of nearly 150%.
In Conclusion
If you are someone that wants to make your lawn look better so that you can spend more time out in your lawn, then do it. Take care of your property and you can then enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you are instead someone that is looking to sell your property then I have listed a number of reasons as to why you should get services to fix up your lawn. It will not only give your home more value, it will also help you quickly sell the house. Sometimes the process of selling a house can be quite lengthy and can be overbearing. Make sure you do what you can to make things easy.