Want to Save Money On Cooling Bills? It Takes More Than Adjusting the Thermostat

Hvac services

Your home can lose 30% of its heating and cooling efficiency if your HVAC system was improperly installed. There are a few details you can check to confirm this, although an HVAC services technician can do a more intensive inspection for you. It is not only HVAC installation gone wrong that can cause your heating and cooling bills to rise, especially in the summer. Below are a few pointer on how to cut down on expenses when the temperatures rise.

Was This Installed Correctly? How to Quickly Check Up On Your HVAC.

There is a manual that tells the technician what size heating and cooling load your home will require, which is the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Manual J. If the technician did not consult the Manual J, the HVAC unit you have might be over- or under- sized in relation to your home’s needs.

Another concern with size is the placement of the unit. Each system will have an installation manual from the manufacturer specifying how much clearance is required. This includes from above as well, as the unit should not be under a drainage spout or in a position to accumulate debris on its top.

Finally, if the system is leaking, you have a problem with the ducts, which will require the assistance of a technician. If any of these checks reveal a problem, the system will need to be replaced or re-installed.

How to Check Your HVAC Unit to Lower Your Heating and Cooling Costs.

The largest expenditure for the average home might be heating and cooling costs, which can eat up nearly 50% of the average home budget. In terms of annual income, the average American spends approximately 2.7% of their yearly income on their energy bills, which comes out to $2,000 at the median salary. Fortunately, there are ways to save on monthly energy bills simply by making a few tweaks to your routine.

First, go around your house looking for small cracks and holes. When you feel a draft with all the fans and air conditioning turned off, that’s a clue that there’s one somewhere near. This little drainages can add up to a 25% increase in an energy bill over the course of a year. Next, make friends with your thermostat. If it is programmable, try to raise or lower the set temperature by two degrees. This can save up to 5% on monthly bills, and most occupants won’t notice the difference.

Keep Your HVAC Unit Running Smoothly: Regular Maintenance Makes a Difference.

After you’ve checked to make sure the system is installed correctly, is the right size for your home’s needs, and are regularly making small tweaks to use less energy, it is time to set up a routine maintenance schedule. Every HVAC unit needs to be serviced on a regular basis to run optimally. Units that run properly eat up less energy than those that do not.

A maintenance plan doesn’t need to be complicated or very expensive. In fact, regularly scheduled maintenance may keep the unit from needing expensive repairs later on. Some commercial AC service departments offer plans for between $75 to $100 for replacing the filter, clean the ducts and ventilation, and run a service check.

In the summer, staying cool becomes a priority. To keep your HVAC unit running all season long without overspending, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure your home has the right system. Next, make little adjustments to lower your energy usage. Then set up a maintenance schedule so you don’t need to worry about the system breaking down during the hottest days of summer. Following these tips should keep you cool this season.

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