Three Things to Know About Getting a Whole Home Generator

Emergency generator installation requirements

It seems like the weather is less predictable every year. It’s only when bad weather strikes and we lose electricity that we begin to realize how much we depend on that power to do just about everything in life. In 2014, there were 130 reported outages on the electrical grid just in the first six months. Federal data shows that we are losing power 285% more often than when they first started collecting data on blackouts back in 1984. If you rely on electricity, isn’t it about time you looked into whole home generator pricing with generator installers in your area?

Why Can a Power Outage Be So Serious?

Consider everything you rely on that uses electricity. If you only use a cell phone, when it runs out of power will you be able to call for help? Make sure an elderly relative is ok? Without electric stoves and refrigerators, how will you make food? If the power is out in your home for four hours or less, the food in the refrigerator and freezer will still be safe to eat. If the power is out for longer, though, that food starts going bad. It also gets hard to take showers without any way to warm the water, and if you have a home business or need to work from home, you’re stuck without an emergency generator to fall back on.

Can’t I Use My Tailgating or Camping Generator to Get By?

It’s important to consider the amount of current you’ll need if you’re looking into whole home generator pricing. If you’re running a video system and maybe a few other little things at a tailgating party, you can easily get by with a generator that only produces 1,000 watts. You home, however, needs a whole lot more: it needs the sort of power that whole house generators can provide. You can calculate the wattage you need based on what appliances you know you’ll need to run, but talk to your generator installers about what’s best. Many appliances use a lot of current at their initial startup, so you’ll need a peak power rating higher than your average calculated draw.

What Are My Installation Requirements?

As you’re doing whole home generator pricing, you want to look at generators in the range of 4,000 watts. Talk to a professional to decide for sure. You’ll also need a good location that allows your generator to operate efficiently, but which does not pose any risk for the people in the home. Generators emit exhaust gases that no one needs to be breathing. The best place for standby generators is outside, near existing electrics, with room for the fill valve. It should be away from anything flammable, on a level surface, and out from under roofs or anywhere else that gas might accumulate.

A standby generator can be a great investment. When a major storm hits, or the grid is overwhelmed during a heat wave, you’ll be able to run the vital electrics that keep you and your family safe, effective, and comfortable.

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