Here in the United States, caring for your septic system is hugely important. After all, up to one quarter of all homes have some type of septic system, and septic tanks are widely utilized throughout the country as a whole. This means that there are a likely a good deal of resources for septic tank care in your area, from septic pumping to any other type of septic services that might have become necessary. Finding the septic tank professionals so perform such a septic tank treatment is a must, as this is something where professional input is very likely to be needed.
The average family goes through a lot of water over the course of a day, putting their septic system to good use, as just using the toilet on a daily basis will make up as much as 30% of the total water usage. In just a single day, the typical family is likely to use 70 gallons of water, if not even more of it. This will certainly vary from family to family, but it ultimately means that, should a septic tank be present, the septic tank must be kept in very good condition for the function of the plumbing and sewer systems to stay high in quality no matter how frequently they are used.
Septic tanks come in many sizes, and the size of your septic tank will, at least in part, help to determine how frequently septic pumping will need to occur in order to keep the septic tank in question in full functioning order. Ideally, the septic tank in your home will be at least able to hold up to two days of wastewater, if not more. This is due to the fact that it typically takes around two days for solids to settle out of wastewater in just about any given septic tank. If the septic tank is too small for the family living in the home in question, septic pumping is likely to be a much more frequent thing – and avoiding this septic pumping when at all possible is certainly quite ideal for many families trying to save some money all throughout the United States. For a four person household, a 1,000 gallon tank is likely to be needed in order to meet the needs and the waste production of the family members.
The frequency at which septic pumping must occur will not be decided simply based on the size of the septic tank, though this is certainly an important factor for septic pumping, to say the very least. In addition to the size of the tank, septic pumping will also be determined by the volume of solids in the waste water, which, believe it or not, is something that can vary quite considerably from household to household. The number of people in the home will also increase the frequency that septic pumping is needed, as will the volume of the solids in the waste water that is being generated on a daily basis. The more solids that there are, the more frequently septic pumping will need to occur for the septic tank to stay in good shape – as well as full and totally operational.
Of course, there are steps that every family can take to reduce the rate at which septic pumping is needed. For one, investing in a larger septic tank can be immensely helpful, as larger septic tanks will be able to handle considerably more waste water. For a growing family, upgrading to such a septic tank can be a largely good idea at the end of the day and one that is likely to be considered by many families all throughout the country as a whole. In addition to this, simply watching how much food is put down the garbage disposal can be helpful as well in reducing the frequency needed for septic pumping here in the average home in the United States. After all, simply using a garbage disposal can increase the solids in any given septic tank considerably, sometimes by as much as a full 50%, therefore increasing the need for septic tank pumping services.