Updated 9/22/22.
People might believe that they’ll have to more or less go without having certain types of lawns if they are committed to any form of sustainability. However, there are ways to make almost any process friendlier for the environment, and that is true for lawn care as well. Almost all lawn care can be made to be more efficient when it comes to the use of water, pesticides, and other chemicals. People can talk to an all lawn care service about this process.
Lots of lawn treatment companies are helping people to make their yards more environmentally friendly in the modern world. They can look at all lawn services, and they will find some professionals who actually specifically focus on finding a way to help people upgrade their yards in this way. Sometimes, replacing the grass with turf can make a huge difference. Lots of types of turf do not really look all that different from grass.
The turf is not going to require lots of water or watering. It maintains itself, which will help you to reduce or even eliminate most of your lawn maintenance costs. All turf prices vary, but these artificial materials can be more affordable than the majority of plants.

Are you planning to revitalize your yard with turfgrass? If so, you’re probably aware of the benefits of turfgrass as opposed to other types of ground cover. Currently, there are between 30 to 40 million acres of turfgrass throughout the United States, which points to its popularity.
The Benefits of Turfgrass
A naturally healthy lawn can prevent run-off. This is because it absorbs 6 times more rain than other ground covers and crops, such as hay or wheat. Since a healthy lawn has this absorption ability, rain water can assist with sustaining lawns and other plants between storms.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that sustainable landscaping accounts for 30% to 60% of summer water consumption. Even though this sounds like a large figure, it could be considerably larger with non-sustainable landscaping.
Planting flowers, shrubs, and trees that are native to the area is an integral aspect to sustainable landscaping. Furthermore, rock gardens and other types of zero-scaping may also be recommended to reduce water consumption, particularly in areas that experience drought conditions.
Planting turfgrass also aids in pollution control. It is able to trap an estimated 12 million tons of dirt, dust, and other airborne debris. As a result, these substances don’t drift through the atmosphere, which can improve local air quality.
Environmentally Responsible Lawn Care
One of the best ways to ensure that you engage in environmentally-responsible lawn care is to refrain from using pesticides and fungicides. Since fertilizer contains nitrogen, 40% to 60% of this can run off or leach away. As a result, it infiltrates groundwater, surface water, and wells.
According to The Virginia Cooperative Extension’s publication, “Nutrient Management for Lawn Service Companies,” some of these substances have been shown to decimate approximately 60% to 90% of the earthworm population. In the United States, it is also estimated that 60 to 70 million birds die every year from pesticide poisoning alone.
If your lawn does need additional nutrients to maintain its health, a lawn care specialist can determine this by conducting a soil test. Once your lawn’s pH level is measured, your lawn care service will be able to know whether it needs more nutrients. Turfgrass, as is the case with most grasses, usually thrives when the soil has a pH level between 6.5 and 7.0.
Experts also indicate that lawn health can be improved and sustained when it is allowed to grow longer. While your lawn care specialist can discuss this with you, between 1-1/2 and 3-1/2 inches should be sufficient.
The Benefits of Landscaping When Putting a House on the Market
When you’re planning to sell your home, you want to ensure that your overall landscape is well-designed and maintained landscape. This includes installing turfgrass. As real estate agents will inform you, this can potentially increase your property value by 15% to 20 %. Most real estate agents will usually encourage home sellers to landscape prior to putting their house on the market.
Whether you need a new lawn or are looking for a lawn care specialist, remember to choose one that provides environmentally-responsible lawn care. In addition to increasing your chances of having a beautiful lawn, you are contributing to the overall environment by using organic lawn care products.