Heating And Cooling Costs Are Getting Higher Saving Money In 2019 With Heating Repair Services

The weather may be getting warmer, but that’s no excuse to neglect your heating and cooling. It does comprise a major portion of your monthly bills, after all!

American homeowners are more strapped for money than they’ve ever been. Juggling mortgage, monthly expenses, the omnipresent demand of the nest egg…it’s a balancing act that needs all the help it can get. Heating services can provide you the well-rounded perspective you’ve been missing all this time. Instead of agonizing over an energy bill that never seems to stop growing, reach out to a Greensboro heating repair professional and ask them for a check-up.

You’ll be stunned by how much money you’ll save with just one visit. Let’s see just how bad today’s energy statistics are and what can be done about it.

Americans Spend Too Much On Their Energy Bills

Here’s a simple fact that’s worth reiterating…Americans are losing far too much of their hard-earned money on heating and cooling. According to studies by the Department Of Energy, as much as 45% of the average energy bill will go straight to heating. This study went on to emphasize that 25% to 40% of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is actually wasted. Imagine what you could be putting all those spare dollars to! Heating services can pinpoint the source of your energy loss and redirect it back into your home.

Heat Retention Can Be Done In Several Ways

Do you notice a draft in your house that never seems to quit? You could have a home struggling with heat retention. Little gaps in your floorboards, windows, and doors all contribute to heat loss — this is made even worse with old HVAC systems or outdated furnaces. You can talk to heating services about pinpointing the source of these drafts and reversing them. This could involve a new door repair or a better heating and cooling system.

HVAC Systems Don’t Last Forever

Does your HVAC system regularly struggle with giving you the heating and cooling you need? You might need to toss it and start over from scratch. HVAC units generally last for 11 to 12 years, though you should start looking for replacements after hitting the decade mark. Heating and cooling professionals today recommend you inspect your HVAC systems twice a year to be on the safe side. HVAC systems that keep clogging might need to have their filters changed or their ducts checked for leaks.

A Good Furnace Goes A Long Way

You might be tempted to put off inspecting your furnace due to the warmer weather. It’s actually much better to talk to a Greensboro heating repair professional now. A recent study found HVAC experts stating 75% of their no-heat calls in winter come from a lack of general maintenance. It’s better to prepare this month than risk freezing once fall and winter come back around again. Furnaces have a lifespan ranging from seven to nine years, with many modern models designed around Energy Star efficiency.

Useful Heat Retention Tips For The Rest Of The Year

Worried that even the best installation won’t yield you the results you need? Keep these tips on standby so you can enjoy everything good energy systems have to offer. Installing a programmable thermostat is a great way to save on heating and cooling costs — studies have shown you can slash your monthly energy bill by 10% or more. It’s also vital you develop a solid working relationship with your local heating services. Improper equipment installation can decrease your heating and cooling efficiency by 30% or more.

Stay cool. Save money. Ask your local AC services what they can do to make this your most energy efficient year yet.

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