Our planet and everything we love are literally held together with tiny screws. When you have a product that requires tiny screws, you might find that it is so difficult to find custom fasteners that require a minimum order of eleventy-million, that it is just easier to modify your product’s design instead. This drives up cost and limits efficiency and development.
When you’re in this predicament, it’s a good idea to do some research and find a supplier of tiny screws that meets your needs perfectly. To help you out, we’ve put together a guide to finding the best tiny screws manufacturer.
Four Things to Look for in a Custom Micro Fasteners Supplier
- Look for a custom screw manufacturer who offer custom head sizes.
The primary factor that you are considering when looking for a custom screw manufacturer is probably the thread of screw, since that’s how the screw actually does its job. However, the head of the screw shouldn’t be forgotten either; the ease of use and the efficiency of assembly will hinge on this. When you are looking for a tiny screw manufacturer, make sure you consider both the customization of the screw threads and the head of your tiny screws.
Perhaps you only need a straight forward screw head for your current job, but if your screw manufacturer has the capacity to customize every aspect of your screw, it will make your designing options easier and more efficient in the future. - But don’t forget about the meat and potatoes of your screw needs.
When it comes down to it, using a screw manufacturer who can meet any thread needs you have is what you want. You want to make sure you find a screw manufacturer who can provide screw thread of any size and shape, even screws that are unconventional. A good screw manufacturer is able to custom machine and thread form screws in any size and shape.
Your product might be as unique as a snowflake; you should be able to use the screws that make it function optimally. Don’t settle for screws that aren’t as unique as your product, just because you think they can’t be customized. They can! - Your screw supplier should think size ain’t nothing but a number.
When you need tiny screws, every millimeter matter. It might come as a surprise, but there are custom screw manufacturers who are able to supply screws of any size. We mean ANY SIZE. If you are in talks with a screw supplier who is pressuring you to bump your screws up to the closest size they offer, whether or not is perfectly aligns with your needs, you are talking to the wrong company.
Before selecting a screw manufacturer to go into business with, ask how small they can go. Can you get screws that are M0.6? Maybe your current needs are fairly simple to get your hands on, but the more customization that a screw provider can provider with sizing, the more options you’ll have down the line. - You want flexibility to order as many or as few as you need.
As a startup, we know that every penny matters. You don’t want to get painted into a corner, ordering thousands of screws more than you need today, just to meet the minimum thresholds for a custom screw order. Maybe you’ll eventually make use of the over-purchase, but you can’t tell the future. If your product specs change in the next generation, you’ll end up having a million tiny screws on your hands instead of the money you wasted on them.
The other end of the spectrum is also true. If you do need thousands and thousands of tiny screws, you should be able to leverage this to get a great deal. When you can lower your costs, you can increase your profit margins. This is what every entrepreneur strives for.
Look for a screw manufacturer who has the flexibility to fill custom screw orders of just a thousand or two, but also willing to give you bulk discounts if you need a huge amount.
The process of designing a product, sourcing the material, and getting it to market is like running a marathon. While you might have a million things to worry about, your custom screws shouldn’t be one of them.