Differences Between Wood Studs and Metal Studs

When framing a wall, you must choose a quality, durable, and long-lasting material. Wood studs are easy and quick to install. However, wood studs can rot over time, and it will add another cost to replace or maintain them when they rot or are damaged. Steel studs are the commonly used material in both commercial and residential buildings.

Metal studs are more advantageous compared to woods.

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Metals are disaster-resilient that can withstand over time. They are not prone to mold or termite damage. Though wood is less expensive, its maintenance can cost you much.

Here are the pros and cons of using wood studs:

Wood studs are environmentally friendly
Woods are always available in the market
It is easy to repair wood structures
You have to install fire-resistant in it in case of fire damage. It will lessen the spread of fire.
Wood studs are prone to mold and termite damage.
Wood studs may contain chemicals that are harmful to your health.

Here are the pros and cons of using aluminum framing:

Moisture can less affect the aluminum framing and can withstand the test of time and weather.
They can fight severe winds
They are safe from termite and mold distraction.
Metal studs do contain VOCs.

Cutting metal studs for aluminum framing can be complex.
They are not energy-efficient.
They are limited in availability

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