You had to start small.
After nearly 25 years of living in your house there were many things that needed to be fixed. The carpet on the stairs that led from the kitchen to the second floor was stained; the wood floor throughout the kitchen needed refinished; the deck needed rebuilt. Your budget, of course, did not lend itself to completing all of these tasks at once. In the end, you acknowledged the fact that you would need to start small. In the end, you decided that addressing the kitchen floor would be a great place to start. You knew that whether you refinished or replaced the traditional wood flooring there would be a lot of sanding and dust. Getting this work done before installing a new carpet just made sense.
What you did not realize until you started looking at your options, however, was that you would love the new options of bamboo flooring that was available. It was still an investment, but you loved the colors that were available. Colors that you could only achieve with a traditional wood floor with lots of staining. The bamboo flooring was the first step in the remodeling work that you approached. The gray bamboo floors look great, especially since you also ripped up the traditional wood flooring in the entry way and replaced it as well. The whole house has a warm and cohesive look just after these two changes.
Eco-Friendly Materials Continue to Grow in Popularity
Installing bamboo flooring is an increasingly popular trend because much of the material used is environmentally friendly. The fact that many of the pieces are in colors that home owners are looking for means that there is never a need for the time consuming and strong smelling staining of traditional floors. As prices for bamboo flooring continue to moderate, in fact, there are a growing number of builders who are offering it as an option in homes at many price ranges.
The fact that Brazilian Teak, Tiete Chestnut, and Brazilian Walnut are the only three flooring options that have a harder Janka rating than Strand Bamboo means that it is a versatile surface that can last for years. The U.S. flooring industry reported growth of 3.85% in dollars and 3.2% in volume from last year, and many of these increases were in the new kinds of environmentally friendly materials that are available.